jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

I'm a quiet person, that I like to enjoy, and observe people, and see the way that they are. But I really enjoy to heart people, because there are many stories and many things that you can learn about it.

One of my passions is listen to music, because the music is the best way that you can express all your feelings. I really love the underground music also many comercial music.

 I truly love the animals, because I learn many things of them, they show us, that we can live in armony together without problems, or wars, or envy. I identify especially with the Owls, because they are very observant,and quiet, other reason that I feel identified  is that both I and they enjoy the night.

Somenthing that I hate is the hypocrisy, the lies, and animal abuse also disrespect.